Imagine being in a room full of other neurospicy sisters in business....


Epic. That is the word I use to describe it after every f-ing call.

The women? They get you. They speak your language. They understand things about you that your neurotypical business friends, partners, and people not in the entrepreneurial arena just DON'T. (Bless their hearts!)

Coming into a room that uses the same link every week with your three drinks in hand🥛☕🍵 (because hellooooo hydration) and one of your 870872 empty notebooks is the norm.

Okay, maybe the notebook isn't FULLY empty, but you can tear out that first page or two.  

During the call, you will be in community with women in different industries and at different stages of business ownership. They are there to support you and vice versa.

What do I do? I facilitate it all as a neurospicy business mentor with 25+ years of business experience who speaks your brain's language and is deeply knowledgeable about running a business online (5+ years in this arena).

You can sit back, relax, and listen as members ask questions or ask your own. Sometimes, the answers they receive are relevant to your business, and you didn't even know you needed them. 

Other members (or perhaps YOU) are there to have a body-doubling session to complete that ONE task they have been dreading. IYKYK.

I have ADHD just like you. That is why I created this community in the first place.

One of our members said something to me that absolutely nailed it on the head. We, as ADHD humans in business, sometimes want to think about our businesses alone, but we do not want to DO business alone.

Who this is for: All women at any level in business who want a community of humans with neurospicy, out-of-the-box thinking, and rapid-fire creative brains like you. You will learn from me AND each other. It's f*cking powerful in here. Community is everything. Come in, be you with zero judgment, and infodump, laugh, share, and support. We've got you!

So wait, Karrie -- I get eight meetings a month, a mini-masterclass during the last week of each month (30 minutes or less! plus q+a), one longer workshop each month, AND body doubling for just $87/mo?

Are you KIDDING? I told you it s a no-brainer, bb.

The women, the networking, the connection... it's a piece you have been missing.

We're here for you and can't WAIT to meet you.

(Scroll down -- full membership details below)



  1. 2 Weekly Calls:  The calls are on Tuesdays at 4pm PST/7pm EST and Thursdays at 9am PST/12pm EST. All calls are recorded and uploaded into your personalized hub as well as any forms or documents I reference in the call for your personal use. That is 8 calls per month!
  2. Hot Seat Coaching Opportunities: Guidance from a mentor with the same squirrels running around upstairs just like you who has over 25 years experience as an entrepreneur. ADHD women in business are my specialty and  hyperfocus. Bring in your questions related to business, mindset, systems, branding, social media, working with your ADHD vs. against it and we will talk it through.
  3. Mini-Masterclass Last Week Of The Month -- With A Growing Vault Of Recordings: Each month's mini-masterclass is recorded and added to the vault! So you have access to a growing library of topics about business, systems, mindset -- all created with your neurospicy brain in mind. 
  4. Body Doubling: Join any of our eight monthly calls and use them as body doubling sessions! Sometimes you just need to get shit done, and body doubling is a fantastic way to get the low-reward, high-focus items checked off of your business to-do list!
  5. A Community Of Women With A Nervous System Like Yours:
    Finding the people that you can fully unmask with and be all of who you are is priceless. And the women inside of these calls are incredible. We are not women who just nod politely while you are talking. We understand why you have 47 tabs open at all times, that interrupting is an ADHD love language, and sharing a similar story is how we CONNECT, Sugarpants. It feels like unparalleled support.
  6. Networking, baby!!: Being with women in all different industries is a huge bonus. You may have a need at some point and that may be another member's specialty. Rad, right?  

Let me say one more thing. I promise you there is nothing else out there like this for ADHD entrepreneurs. And for $87/mo, it is one of the best investments you make in yourself and in your business, hands down.

BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO GO IT ALONE. And now you don't have to. 

Sign me up NOW!