CBD - USDA Certified Organic Hemp Wellness Products

Sep 26, 2022
Hello, my lovely! I wanted to answer your most FAQ's about CBD, why USDA Organic Certification matters, 3rd party testing, and more.
FAQ about Green Compass CBD (this is only in reference to CBD created by Green Compass products since it is a highly unregulated industry):
1. Is CBD it legal?
Yes. The 2018 Farm Bill, which was signed into law in December of that year, legalized Hemp crops in all 50 states.
2. Why should I care what brand I use? Aren't they all the same? 
No. They are not all the same. A majority (about 80%) of the CBD in the marketplace today is from China and is what is called 'white labeled. White-labeled means that the product is made somewhere else, it is shipped to the US, the company puts its own label on it and sends it to market as its own. You now see CBD at the supermarket and even the gas station! Don't be fooled. If it doesn't have the "USDA Organic Certified" stamp on the packaging, I beg you to put it back. Green Compass places a QR code on every box, label, and package that you can scan and it will transparently show you the 3rd party testing certificate so that you can personally see the chemical makeup of your products.  reen Compass grows their hemp locally (North Carolina) on a 6 generation organic farm and sees the plant go from the seed the bottle. There are no other companies involved in making our CBD and we do not white label our products.
3. Do I feel 'high' when I use CBD?
This is my favorite question No. You won't feel high. Green Compass was formed by a mother that wanted pure and safe CBD for her whole family, including kids. If you have a spine (you, your kids, your pets, etc), this brand is safe and effect for you. Back to the main question. Think of it like this. If you have a bunch of grapes, you can make grape juice or wine. They are both derived from the same plant family but produce very different substances and effects.  It is the same with CBD. The marijuana plant and hemp plant are two different species in the same family that create 2 different versions of the same substance.  Marajuana has a high amount of the psychoactive chemical, THC, in abundance and a very low dose of CBD. Hemp is the exact opposite. High CBD make up and very low THC (the legal limit is less than 0.3%).
4. What will I feel anything when I am using CBD?
It isn't about what you will feel.  It is what you will no longer feel. You will fee the absence of anxious thoughts, frustration, worry, pain, rage, sleeplessness, and a short fuse. Absence of yelling at your kids or spouse. Absence of feeling like your nervous system if lit up. You will sleep better, move better and feel better overall. Daily.
5. What does CBD stand for?
It is a shortened term for Cannabidiol.
6. Why does CBD work? Let me get all technical for my nerdy friends out there:
Your body has what is called the ECS (endocannabinoid system) which comprises a vast network of chemical signals and cellular receptors that are densely packed throughout our brains and bodies. This system is another body system like our nervous system or reproductive system.  The "cannabinoid" receptors in the brain — the CB1 receptors — outnumber many of the other receptor types in the brain. They act like traffic cops to control the levels and activity of most of the other neurotransmitters. This is how they regulate things: by immediate feedback, turning up or down the activity of whichever system needs to be adjusted, whether that is hunger, temperature, or alertness.
To stimulate these receptors, our bodies produce molecules called endocannabinoids, which have a structural similarity to molecules in the cannabis plant. The first endocannabinoid that was discovered was named anandamide after the Sanskrit word ananda for bliss. All of us have tiny cannabis-like molecules floating around in our brains. The cannabis plant, which humans have been using for about 5,000 years, essentially works its effect by hijacking this ancient cellular machinery.
The second type of cannabinoid receptor, the CB2 receptor, exists mostly in our immune tissues and is critical to helping control our immune functioning, and it plays a role in modulating intestinal inflammation, contraction and pain in inflammatory bowel conditions. CB2 receptors are particularly exciting targets of drug development because they don’t cause the high associated with cannabis that stimulating the CB1 receptors does (which is often an unwanted side effect).
(Information referenced from Harvard.edu)
7. Will CBD show up on a drug test?
There are 2 kinds of CBD - Full Spectrum and Broad Spectrum
Full spectrum has the entire hemp flower in it which includes the legal amount of THC which is less than 0.3%. However, that can show up on a drug test depending on who is doing the testing and how many parts per million they are looking for  Broad spectrum does not have the THC element in it. However, when in doubt, always ask your employer.  It is better to be safe and ask.
8. Last but not least, how does CBD Work?
Imagine that your body is like a parking lot with 100 stalls. When all 100 stalls are full, your body is at homeostasis (balance).  You feel good, have lower stress, sleep better and are overall more healthy. The problem is that most people have cars missing from their parking lot.  What CBD does is go into the stalls where your cars may be missing. It helps with every major system in the body.
I am happy to provide additional information about this miraculous plant and the plant medicine it provides.  Feel free to go to the contact me page or to my instagram with questions!

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