Less Panic, More Disco: Six Ways to Calm Yourself During a Panic Attack
Jul 12, 2023
Hey there, lovelies! Today I want to talk about something serious and kinda scary!
I talk a lot about the subtle ways anxiety can interrupt our lives (sooo annoying!), but some of us experience the extreme physical manifestations of anxiety, and we need to talk about that too!
That’s right. I’m talking about panic attacks.
REAL panic attacks.
Not the jokey, “Omg, the meeting was moved up, is my client trying to give me a panic attack?”
I’m talking about head-spinning, heart-racing, hands-shaking, world-ending panic attacks.
These sneaky panic attacks could strike at any time. But fear not! Today, we're going to explore some practical strategies to help you calm yourself during a panic attack, so you can regain control and continue conquering the world!
Here are six ways to calm yourself during a panic attack:
When the dreaded panic attack strikes, one of the first things to go out the window is your breathing.
You feel like you can’t breathe, so you start to breathe faster and faster, just trying to get more air.
When this happens, you may start to hyperventilate and breathe at such a fast rate that you actually decrease the levels of CO2 in your blood. You begin to feel light-headed, and your heart-rate increases. YIKES!
LOTS OF SCIENCE JARGON, SORRYY! But I think it’s helpful to know why your body is reacting that way so you know what to do and what NOT to do in this situation.
Breathing in and out faster and faster will only fuel the panic fire, so it's important to focus on your breath. Take slow, deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.
Start slow. Inhale, and count 1… 2… 3… 4… 5…, exhale, and count 1… 2… 3… 4… 5….
Reminding yourself to breathe normally can help you regulate your normal oxygen intake and help bring you back down to normal.
Ground Yourself! Come Back to Earthhhhh
During a panic attack, it's normal to feel COMPLETELY disconnected from reality. You’re stuck inside your head and lost in bewildering emotions.
When you don’t know what the fuck is going on, focusing on your senses can help you snap back to reality.
It’s simple:
Look around you. What do you see?
What can you smell?
What can you hear (other than your own beating heart)?
What can you feel?
Can you taste anything? Take a sip of tea.
Grounding yourself in this way can help your anxious brain calm down and return to reality.
Check out my previous blog for more relaxation techniques.
Challenge Your Thoughts
Panic attacks often come with a VERRY ANNOYYING barrage of negative thoughts and worst-case scenarios.
Whether you want to block out negative thoughts or just redirect a confused and panicked subconscious (be kind, she’s fragile), YOU HAVE THE ABILITY to replace those thoughts with more rational and positive ones!
- Reassure yourself: “I am not in immediate danger, I’M GOING TO BE ALRIGHT.”
- Remind yourself that panic attacks are temporary, and you have overcome them in the past: “I’ve gotten through this before. This will pass.”
- Repeat positive affirmations or mantras like, "I am strong and capable," and visualize yourself emerging victorious from this temporary storm.
Find a Safe Space
Of course, you can’t control where you are when a panic attack occurs. But you can make a game plan to find a safe space, no matter where you are.
As a general rule, get away from loud noises, crowds, and bright lights. Look for a quiet place where you can be alone.
Don’t be afraid to excuse yourself!
Step out of a busy room, find a quiet corner, or hide in the bathroom (I’ve been there)!
Hey, ditch your grocery cart and regroup in your car! Do whatever you need to do to regain a sense of calm.
Ask For Help and Lean on Support Systems
As strong women, we often try to shoulder the burden ourselves.
That’s bullshit!
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Girl, it’s the ultimate sign of strength!
Reach out to trusted friends, family, or even a therapist who can provide a listening ear and valuable guidance.
You are NEVER alone on this journey.
Need a weekly reminder? Pop in your info on my contact page for a weekly Piece of Mind Love Note— BECAUSE I LOVE YOU BITCHESSSS!!!
Prioritize Self Care
Self-care is the ultimate act of strength and self-empowerment.
If you experience regular panic attacks, that’s a sign that your anxiety is controlling you, not the other way around.
So flip the script!
You’re a savvy businesswoman after all. Taking care of yourself is an investment in your overall success!
What Should You Do if You See Someone Having a Panic Attack?
The tips and tricks I broke down above are super helpful if YOU’RE the one having a panic attack, but what should you do if you notice that your friend, co-worker, child, etc. is showing symptoms of a panic attack?
Share these tips with your partner, your friends, co-workers, the people you live with, etc. (You know how scary panic attacks can be for the person experiencing one., but it can be frightening for an observer too!)
As a bystander, what can you do to help someone experiencing a panic attack?
- Stay calm
- Let them know that you think they might be having a panic attack and that you are there for them
- Encourage them to breathe slowly and deeply
- Have them sit somewhere quiet where they can focus on their breath until they feel better
Bonus! TV myth debunked: You shouldn’t encourage someone to breathe into a paper bag during a panic attack. This isn't recommended, and it might not be safe.
Final Thoughts
Remember, my lovelies, you possess incredible strength and resilience. Panic attacks may try to knock you down, but with the right tools and strategies, you can rise above them. Embrace these techniques, practice self-care, and don't be afraid to ask for support!
It helps if you have someone in your corner! Take the leap and get full access to my business mentorship and coaching program. You’ll get exclusive one-on-one sessions, including 12 virtual sessions!
You've got this, and just by reading this article, you're on your way to achieving greatness in both your business and personal life!
Stay strong, stay empowered, and keep conquering!
With love, Karrie.