Five-Minute Fix | Calm Your Anxiety With These Quick Tricks
Jan 25, 2023
Today’s the big day. You’re about to go into an important meeting, but you can feel that familiar feeling of dread creeping up. Your anxiety has entered the room (and it wasn’t even invited!)
Sometimes feelings of worry and stress show up at the most inconvenient times. At work, at the supermarket, on the drive home, for no reason at all— no matter where you are or what you’re doing, intrusive and sometimes indefinable feelings can throw you off balance.
You must have a few tricks up your sleeve when you need to calm unwanted nerves.
What Triggers Your Anxiety?
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, nervous, or panicked, the cause might not immediately be apparent. It’s so frustrating! If only you could find the problem, you could fix it, right?
Unfortunately, these bad feelings aren’t always rational. Our minds are tricky and mysterious.
However, there are ways to figure out what triggers our anxiety. Knowing the cause can help us better prevent and manage our anxiety.
Here are a couple of tips for identifying your triggers:
- Therapy. Sometimes, all we need to see ourselves more clearly is to get a new perspective. Therapy is a great way to get a fresh, unbiased take on your problems. Additionally, talking about your feelings forces you to put your emotions into words.
- Keep track of the times you feel extra anxious or triggered. I recommend keeping a journal or using my Trigger Tracker to come into awareness around what sets you off. Take note of where you are, what you are doing, and who you are with. If you do this regularly, you can find patterns that point to potential triggers.
Soothe Your Anxiety in Five Minutes
I know what you’re thinking—is five minutes really long enough? While you can’t completely cure your anxiety in five minutes, it’s more than enough time to reduce the urgent and overwhelming symptoms.
In a perfect world, we’d all have a personal masseuse on call. However, if there’s no time to break for a spa day, try one of these five-minute tips for reducing your anxiety.
Accept Your Anxiety
It sounds strange, but accepting your anxiety can actually reduce those feelings. There are times when anxiety breeds anxiety. For example, you start to feel nervous and overwhelmed, and then you feel ashamed or worried that those feelings will grow. We’re only human. Accepting that your anxiety is real and perfectly normal might stop it from growing out of control.
Acceptance doesn’t mean surrender— once you accept your anxiety, you can figure out how to fight it.
Do A Quick Exercise Sesh
Get out of your head and into your body. Focusing on your body makes you feel more grounded and connected to the physical world. Sometimes this is the distraction your brain needs to reset. Exercise also boosts your serotonin and dopamine, making you feel better immediately.
Find a Quick Laugh
It seems silly, but watching a funny video or some stand up is a great way to soothe nerves. Watching something hilarious removes your mind from your current problem or situation and gives your brain a little break. Watch a short clip of something guaranteed to make you smile. Silly animals, snippets from your favorite tv show, or a joke from your favorite comedian might just do the trick.
Try an App for Relaxation
Mindless, colorful games aren’t just for kids. They can serve a real purpose. When you play a game (even a silly one), your brain goes into problem-solving mode. You can focus on solving a simple puzzle, collecting coins, or getting to the finish line. Those colorful berries and angry birds might become your new best friends. Try it and see.
Five Minute Dance Party
This one might be a little challenging in the middle of the grocery store. If you can, turn up the car radio or find a pair of headphones and blast one of your favorite songs. Bonus if you get your body moving. Lock yourself in a bathroom stall if you must, and treat yourself to a few minutes of silent air guitar.
Quick and Focused Meditation
You don’t need to dedicate an hour to meditation every morning to see the benefits. You can make it work in five minutes! Set a timer on your phone (and while you’re at it, switch it to airplane mode). Try to find a quiet place, and close your eyes. Relax your body and focus on taking deep, five-count breaths. Focus on every feeling in your body.
It’s tempting to stop after a few breaths, but keep going for five minutes to maximize the healing benefits.
Focus on the Present by Using the 3-3-3 Rule
Most of the time, anxiety is based on what is happening in the future. Stop focusing on the future by bringing your focus back to the present. The 3-3-3 rule is a tried and true method. Here’s how it works:
First, focus on three things you can see. Next, identify three things you can hear. Finally, move three parts of your body. Repeat as necessary. Your focus will be on your senses and not on your worries.
Some of these tips will work better for you than others. When you find a trick that works, make sure to keep track. Build up your arsenal of coping techniques, so you’re ready when your anxiety makes another surprise visit.
One last tool you can use to combat anxiety is communication and community. Sharing your feelings and experiences can be cathartic and helpful. When you find a community of people with similar experiences, everyone benefits. Women Out Loud can be your trusted sisterhood. We’re here to support each other, share tips, and heal. Get in touch to learn more!